Svelte Animations

Startup Template

The best landing page template for your startup.

Startup Template

Startup Template

A complete landing page template to launch a new project or idea (frontend only). Uses the latest frontend technologies and best practices to unblock you and delight your customers.

Why should i use this template?

  • Save 10+ hours of development time
  • Easy to Configure and Change
  • High Quality Design & Responsive UI
  • SEO friendly


  • Header Section
  • Hero Section
  • Social Proof Section
  • Pricing Section
  • Call To Action Section
  • Footer Section
  • Mobile Reponsive Navbar


  1. Click on Download button
  2. Extract the zip file & open in your favorite code editor
  3. Run npm install & npm run dev to start the development server on localhost:5173
  4. Edit the Sections Code as per your requirements
  5. Deploy to Vercel with a single click

Tech Stack


Magic UI : This template is Inspired from Magic UI. He is GOD, do visit for Amazing Components and Templates.